Logo Design Aberdeen

JPEG – Did You Know?

The term “JPEG” is an acronym for the Joint Photographic Experts Group, which created the standard in 1992. JPEG was largely responsible for the use of digital images and digital photos across the Internet, and later social media.
The JPEG compression algorithm operates at its best on photographs and paintings of realistic scenes with smooth variations of tone and color. For web usage, where reducing the amount of data used for an image is important for responsive presentation, JPEG’s compression benefits make JPEG popular. JPEG/Exif is also the most common format saved by digital cameras.
Logo Design Aberdeen

3 Branding Fails

Branding is a complicated process. Many companies spend hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of pounds creating the perfect brandbut often, all they receive is a negative backlash and do not think the process through.

Take the 2012 London Olympics logo for example as above.

It might have cost £400,000 and took a year to design, but it received its fair share controversy, and looked like a “kids competition entry”

For many, it goes down as one of the worst logos ever, but we think we’ve found some that are even worse.


There’s actually nothing wrong with the logo for the Office of Government Commerce. That is, until you rotate it ninety degrees clockwise.

You can see the original (properly oriented) logo on the left, with the rotated version on the right.

If you can’t see what we’re referring to, keep looking. You’ll see it eventually….

2007 the computer doctors

Utilising imagery to replace certain letters is a common theme in many logo designs. The thing is, if you get it wrong, you end up with something like this.

Again, you might not see it straight away so we’ll give you a clue. It has something to do with the image of the computer mouse replacing the letter “U”.

Have you come across any ridiculously terrible logo fails?

If so, give us an email and if we think it deserves a place, we’ll make sure to add it.


Happy International Dog Day!! ?❤️

Next time you think about getting a puppy I would definitely recommend considering rescuing a dog. It was the best choice I have made in years, when I gave our new little friend Fudge a new life!

Obviously I was pressured by my 10 year old daughter with her puppy eyes Dad pleeeeaaassseee LOL! It’s been a tough year and she’s been alot of work, but definitely makes us laugh and gets us out the house. I would highly recommend the DAWGS charity that will help you.

Wordpress 6.0 Web Design

WordPress 6.0

WordPress has recently released 6.0. All versions of WordPress now power around 42% of the web. That’s approximately 810,000,000 sites.

Following the footsteps of the previous major release, WordPress 6.0 continues to make improvements to full site editing and allows users to do more with this feature. There are several upgrades coming to the design tools. Firstly, the new layout options which include arranging design in a horizontal or vertical manner.

Other features include block editing, style changes and improved text editing, among others.

Stay up to date with all the latest WordPress with us. And if you want to take your website to a new level and implement these new improvements, contact us to us today!

#wordpress #online #webdesign


Website Speed Aberdeen

The Five Core Components of User Experience

User experience is something all designers take into account — something that can be done by describing the five core components of UX:


Information Architecture (IA)

Information Architecture connects people to content in a way that is most understandable to them. It creates a hierarchy of content on a page and uses different elements to add structure. This is organised and makes it easy to find content.


Interaction Design

Interaction Design deals with the specific interactions between users and a screen. Visual Design responds to the user goals supported in Interaction Design to communicate the brand using graphics, images, fonts, color, icons, and so on.



Usability deals with leveraging data to determine the validity of design decisions. It is the role of the UX designer to communicate any points felt during the use of a product.



A prototype can be defined as a preliminary version from which other forms are developed. As a designer, prototyping offers a cheap and flexible way to test what looks great and is fit for purpose, whether it’s for a mobile app, physical product or a website. It also offers a way to iterate based on feedback from stakeholders and users in the context of usability studies.


Visual Design

Visual design is about using the visual aspect of a product to improve the user’s experience. While visual design is not all there is to design, it is a crucial part of a well-thought-out product. It communicates a lot about a company’s brand and can be influential in how desirable and engaging a product is.

Printing Branding Aberdeen

Is Print Dead?

Is Printing Dead?

I don’t think so…its just evolving like all of us recently!
Printing has been around for over 500 years but far from being dead in a world of social media or artificial intelligence.  Print is not only alive but continues to connect with us in a way that can never really be replaced.

When you get something handed something such as a business card, you can tell a lot about the person who give it to you. A quality business card or something automated and printed cheaply. You don’t have that tangible experience online. Most printers that we use in business are adapting to their surrounding and evolving with demand. Nothing is better than preparing for a presentation with a pitch that you have printed for the client. This normally results in the client being impressed by your level of attention to detail. We need to look at all mediums to survive not just online. Some companies are extremely busy while others are struggling, and if your company is struggling, we need to get that message out to a bigger audience.
Printed materials can get you noticed. We can’t just support big chains all the time or silicone valley, supporting “local” keeps us all busy.

#printing #business #socialmedia #quality #LFICREATIVE