LFI Crime Alert Aberdeen

Crime Alert Aberdeen

Officers in the North East are now routinely equipped with SelectaDNA tagging spray to target those using motorbikes to commit anti-social behaviour. 

Over two days Police Scotland and partners gave advice to over 1,000 rail passengers between Inverness 

and Galashiels about the latest frauds and scams.  We look at the most common ‘top 10’ frauds in the 

North East and explain the work of the detectives tracking down those responsible. 

With the summer months upon us the theft of agricultural GPS equipment is again on the rise. We explain how to protect your property . 

As well as a regular round-up of crime in the North East. 

Click here to read Crime Alert Aberdeen






Being too creative can be distracting ?getting into the habit of being proactive rather than reactive to work. I have downloaded many ideas and systems. What I’m trying to do is get more done by trying different methods that work for me. It can be difficult sometimes as you get distracted alot during the day. Any suggestions would help me greatly. What do you think of some these ideas. Appreciate any simple and effective advice ?

hashtagsimpleadvice hashtagbusinessgrowth
hashtagcreativeagency hashtagnodistractions



People ask me why I go to Oban every year

People ask me why I go to Oban every year “the picture tells it all” 🙂 ⛰️ ??????? ?

“There’s nothing to do it’s a one horse ? town…”. I think it’s important we all understand we are all different people and like different things. Oban is a friendly little harbour town which suits us perfectly not for the ones that like hustle and noise. Similarly, when people say to me “can you just make the website the same as that one”… it doesn’t sit well with us and does not sell your services or show off your company effectively, and to be honest it’s not the sort of client that we want to work with, just looking for a “quick fix” or put a sticking plaster on! When I arrive in Oban every year driving down to the bay I’m in awe of the beauty of the place, if services or people don’t excite you, move on! My great clients that enable me to go on wee breaks is why I look after them 100%! Plan your next adventure in business or vacation it’s important.

hashtagoban hashtagcreativeagency hashtagscottishbusiness hashtagwebdesignagency

LFI Website Updates

How to update your website

Update your website constantly: 

Review your current content and designed pages.

Your website health and updates give your current site the best chance possible to be found on search engines using a checklist, new images, and content, but simply investigating what works well and what doesn’t. If you make a clear list you can fix any problems that may occur.

Visual content: Check the quality and relevance of your images and videos. Identify anything that looks fuzzy, pixelated or generally outdated and plugins which are out of date. You may come across images that do not tie in with your current brand, so get rid of them and replace with better ones.

Always check Google Analytics to see how your website is performing.  It is paramount to see how you can get more enquiries, and always keeping your SEO up to date.  At LFI Creative we keep on top of this and monitor success through results. Updating your website can vary in difficulty based on several factors. For simple updates, such as changing text or images, it’s usually straightforward and can be done by individuals with basic web editing skills. However, more complex updates, such as redesigning the layout or adding advanced functionalities, might require web development expertise, always use a trusted Web Design Agency for help such as LFI Creative.

Get in touch and we can help!


Talk about a “get out of jail card”

The greatest Christmas brand of all time and I had to tell her about Santa this year. It’s been building for a while now and I was thinking of ways to drop the bad news to her without crushing her Xmas ? dreams and Santa list again this year..I said to her “I have something to say to you kid about Santa”. Her reply was “Don’t worry Dad, I already know and can I have an iPhone LOL” that was a huge relief for me as I was panicking about it as I was walking away chuckling to myself, smart kid! I refuse to make up stories about things and situations, there’s no point to be honest! Thankfully I got the get out of jail card by her friends talking to one another.
Hopefully next year we will all have a better year and as a good friend said to me “smash every day like it’s your last”.

hashtagsantaclaus hashtagdigitalagency hashtagbelieveinyourself hashtagsantabrand



Are websites becoming obsolete?

So, does the rise of Ai integration and mobile apps mean that websites will eventually go?? The short answer is NO! Websites will always remain a critical component of the online landscape, even as alternative platforms continue to grow in popularity, it’s about using what works for your business, I think for credibility it’s a must as it backs up what your business provides such as galleries, testimonials, products, or the hard work and solutions you provide to your customers it’s one of the main integral cogs to promote your brand and image to your customers.
I always ask the clients what do you want it do for you? A website should never be designed for the designer or developer, client feedback and collaboration is very important to us at LFI Creative!

#webdesign #creativeagency #alwaysworkingharderforyou ?

Crime Alert September 2023 1 copy

Crime Alert September 23

Welcome to the September edition of North East Crime Alert. A quarterly bulletin produced by the Police Scotland 

North East Division Crime Reduction Team aimed at keeping you up to date with what’s happening in our community. 

In this edition of North East Crime Alert: 

Detective Sergeant Scott McKay explains the ground breaking work being carried out by Operation Protector in the North East of Scotland.  We explain how to avoid becoming a victim of Concert Ticket fraud. As students return to University Rental Fraud is on the increase; learn how to avoid becoming a victim. We have a victims account of how their business fell foul of scammers. 

As well as a regular round-up of crime in the North East. 



Learn from Children

My 11 year old daughter Sophia ? is growing up fast and keeps me on my toes and always thinking young, it was her idea to stand here and be creative. Believe it or not I’m not the most forthcoming at standing for photoshoots, ? it does my wife’s head in and she’s a professional photographer! I have realised the people who critique or criticize you doesn’t really matter as they have a problem for every solution….Stay young minded and as a good friend said to me don’t let the old man in. ?

#creativeagency #positivemindset #creative #wallart #goodpeople#lficreative


Old School

45 years old and still holding on to this little beauty until the next custodian comes along. ? ?

What make us happy to be successful or extremely creative in my opinion, I know deep down you must be honest with yourself not blaming other people for not being successful I have many times in the past however the past is dead and you must surround yourself with good honest people. I have many great people supporting me now and have joined good networks that are honest with you and sometimes you don’t want to hear it. I have stopped saying you will never get a break…you make your own break and luck. Don’t use people as it won’t work for you in the long run from my experience, be honest and ask for help honestly and it will come in spades.. keep pushing, we are in mad times but my wee mini is my sanctuary and makes me happy when burbling along and strangers waving as we pass by and giving me a wave.

#Colin Gunn #creativeagency
#neverstoplearning #bepositivealways #classiccarLFI Creative